Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 3 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 11.Soru

Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 3 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 11.Soru
transkript: 5 numaralı soruları aşagıdakı parçaya gore cevaplayınız We started !ookmg Yar 5 new recepuomst m our amca Iastmonlh Our boss! Mv Brown 11". someone Whu already worked ın amıma depanmem, but he wasn'l able ıo ind! he ıhougm anyone approprıate, so he ...12 me local paper There ...n... a ıoı uf applıcants, bul surprısıngly only a coupve af replıes came ın and unly one of mcse waş suıcabWe How Mr Brown Lhathe had betterget ın tcuchwılh heralonce Hedecıded we ...14... her 55 there was ncı hurry, and we mıgm as weH send her a card Unionunately' we heard no more irem her. so we advemsed agam — ın vam so far For me moment the Jabs bemg done by Mr Brown’s son He "45... really because ne 5 ncı 7151me atall snd sameumes he mıghtbe quite rude m vısmırs 11. A) nazım choose B) mwghthave chosen C) rmghtchoose D) musıchoose E) musthavechosen
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