Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 3 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 1.Soru

Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 3 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: 5 numaral sorul g re cevaplayını When we conswder (he devewopmemoıwuung, we should bear ln mınd that .. .. of the mguagesmaıaıe found ırı me wand Ioday are used only ın me spoken (orm They do not have a wrınen ıorm For (hosefew languages (hatda have wrıııng sysıems, me devewopmem av wrmng. as we know ıı, ış 2... relaüvelyrecenl phenomenon We may trace human attempts lo represent ınıormauon vısuaHy back to cave drawmgs Lhatwere made at WeastZDDÜO years ago Wnung whwch ıs based on some (ype of aıpnabeuc scnpı. however. .only be traced back to ınscnplıons dated around 3.000 yeavs aga m me hghl ofthe evıdence present Much of the evıdence used ın me reconsırucuon of . anmem wmıng sysıems comes from mscrıpmns on stone or tanısı; found m the rubbwe of ......5 v those ancıents were usmg other ewaboraıe scnpîs on wood, leather cr penshabwe maıenaıs. we have west mem, unıonunaıewy. 1. a greatdeaW a bıg amount a coupıe ; !arge number several 59933
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