Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 3 2015 - 2016 Ara Sınavı 6.Soru

Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 3 2015 - 2016 Ara Sınavı 6.Soru
transkript: s . 10. sorularda : mledeki boşluğu doğru şekilde tamamlayan ııadeyi buıunuı. ıı ws wwdeîy debated nowadays w marneges ıoday are bener or wurse than they .....5. MS queshon ıs often answered ırı two ways The worrıers clawm mat mamage has gotten wurse Current hıgher dıvurce rates a lack of commumem and a ssnous de(snorahan m muraî character and mese (wo ...s... aduns. chndren and socwety m genera for qmte a wong tıme However, accordwng (o (he wdeahsls. even though marrıage has gone through upsemng changes uke hıgh dworce raıes. such ımprovemems pemı oui (he evoluuon of "the mstılutıcn" lo beller respect ındıvvduaî autunomy, especıaHy for women Recenuy a psycholugıcal researcher has offered a mud answer Over lhe pası year. he has spenı ...9... revıewmg varıed s(udıes m me schowarwy Iıterature on mamage and human reıaııonsmps, and ms ullımats enswü ıs “bom“ The avevage marrıage today ıs Wesker than that of the past, but the best merrıages today are much s(mnger than muse of me past, ıoo. ın terms o| ...1o... and weıı-beıng A) have been B) had to be 6) wumd be D) usedlo he E) had been
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