Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 3 2015 - 2016 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 6.Soru

Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 3 2015 - 2016 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 6.Soru
transkript: 6 - 9. sanılanın cümledeki bosluğu doğru şekı de tamamlayan ifadeyı bulunuz. Some of ...a.“ anended the Enghsh Grammar Day meeımg a cnuple of days ago The pumary locus was on the problems wwth how we teach grammar ın schools The solulıons were ss fouaws we ması behave m grammar and leach ıt m context and Mly suppon ıls sıgnmcance for language (eachmg Another mıerescmg suggesııon was ıu change ws name lor ınstance “knowledge about wanguage'x because caumg “ g(ammar' .. .. evuke ; feehng uf cradmonaw classroom envıronmem and the Idea oi euneı nght' or wrong" Rather ınan thıs pusswbıhty' huwever “knowledge about wanguage“ or another modern term .. a lot more po5mve We're hvmg m an unbehevably last-changıng world Durıng me 7960s' when grammar regamed ııs reputanun a day Mke today was beyond ımagınahon Today we have ıo adjust ourselves ıo every oıher day, and . .ı ) country's lhe mosı dısunguısned Iınguvsls & country's most dısunguıshed Imgmsts C) me cowııry s msımgmsned ması ımguısıs D) the mosı dısungmshed country's Iınguısls E) lhe country s most dısımgmshed IınguıslS
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