Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 4
Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 4 2012 - 2013 Dönem Sonu Sınavı
Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 4 2012 - 2013 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 13.Soru
Bağlamsal Dilbilgisi 4 2012 - 2013 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 13.Soru
transkript: o numaralısorularıaşa dak parçaya gore cevaplayınız m the sa(ly Seventeemh century. when Enghsh speakıng commumtıes were msı esmbhshed ın me Norm Amerıcan sommes, every persun speued as she cr he pweased _..13... Enghsh orlhography expressed was the personahty o| me wrıter m me prmler n was not unlıl the early ewghteenlh century ...14... the prıncıpal Brmsh authors au spened the same v..15._ popuıanzed me emın to make proper speech accessıme (o everybody was a game caııed 'spelhng bee' ...1e... ın the Englısh speakıng communmes m Amerıcaı mıs geme became a pubhc ceremony In thıs publıc ceremony, ...17... oomesıams ma was to take mms and to speu me ıncreasıngly dıflıcull wmds The competmon wusımıed ___13... mere was no secret lo speakıng or writıng me must correct wanguage of me communwly Emphasıs on rules of proper Speakmg and wrmng explaıns ,..19 as the most wmponant dısuncuon belween Brmsh and Amencan pronuncıauon. Very early. Amencens begen tryıng (o dıscover ...2u... a word ougm ıu be pronounced by seerng how ıı was spened Thıs seemed m provıde a ready standard nf prununcıanon wılhcul a culture! capmaı 13. A) Who B) What C) Whıch D) Tnaı E) Whether
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