Busıness Decısıon Models Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1375812

  1. List all possible decision alternatives
  2. Define decision problem
  3. Establish objectives
  4. Select the most appropriate decision making method and apply this method
  5. Identify the possible outcomes for each decision alternative
  6. Determine the best alternative and make your decision
  7. Identify the pay-off matrix for each combination of alternatives and events

What is the correct order of the steps of decision making process above?






Yanıt Açıklaması:

The steps of the decision making process are as follows:

  1. Define decision problem
  2. Establish objectives
  3. List all possible decision alternatives
  4. Identify the possible outcomes for each decision alternative
  5. Identify the pay-off matrix for each combination of alternatives and events
  6. Select the most appropriate decision making method and apply this method
  7. Determine the best alternative and make your decision

The correct answer is A.

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