Busıness Decısıon Models Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1391338

What does weak duality property refer to?

The objective value of Z and the objective value of W are equal only if the basic feasible solution is the optimal for the primal as well as the dual model

The objective value, Z is equal or greater than W, the objective value of the corresponding dual solution.

Switching the dual variable from the partitioned one.

Altering the regular version of the simplex algorithm for the solution of a balanced transportation model.

The inverted pair of the primal model in a solution. 

Yanıt Açıklaması:

For a basic feasible solution of the primal model, the objective value, Z is equal or greater than W, the objective value of the corresponding dual solution. This is called weak duality property: the researcher begins at any point, then reaches the optimum at a level by lowering the costs and thus increasing the revenues simultaneously.

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