Busıness Fınance I
Busıness Fınance I Deneme Sınavı
Busıness Fınance I Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1142919
Busıness Fınance I Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1142919
Which one defines the distribution of parts of the profit of a company to its shareholders?
Capital budget |
Primary market |
Financial structure |
Share |
Dividend |
Yanıt Açıklaması:
Financial managers should decide on how much of their profits to pay out to shareholders in the form of dividends, and how much to retain to finance company’s future investments and growth. It is a strategic decision involving a trade-off between the payment of dividends to shareholders and retention of earnings to finance investments. Dividend policy is the approach the company takes in determining how much and how dividend to pay out to shareholders.
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