Busıness Fınance Iı Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #999448

"If there is a larger than expected dividend increase, it signals to investors that managers anticipate bright future prospects of the company. On the contrary, if the dividend decreases or it is less than expected, it signals to investors that managers forecast poor future earnings."

Which of the following policies suggest this thesis?

Dividend signaling hypothesis

Residual dividend policy

The dividend irrelevance theory

The signaling effect theory

The bird-in-the-hand theory

Yanıt Açıklaması:

Dividend signaling hypothesis, also called, dividend information content hypothesis stating that if there is a larger than expected dividend increase, it signals to investors that managers anticipate bright future prospects of the company. On the contrary, if the dividend decreases or it is less than expected, it signals to investors that managers forecast poor future earnings.

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