Çeviri (İng/Türk)
Çeviri (İng/Türk) 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı
Çeviri (İng/Türk) 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı 12.Soru
Çeviri (İng/Türk) 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı 12.Soru
transkript: 12. Which 01 the following Sentences from different bwlness letters ındicaıe the most formal use of me language ın (he polıtest manner? A) The necessarydacumenls wuı besentwa e— mau ASAF a) Accordmg to our (ecords, we haven! yeı taken ene ıax messages you senı 0) v you have already seen our message. dısregard t'hıs one D) Should you need any further inlermanon, please do not hesitate to contact me E) Pleasewrıîemesoon ahoutlhe fmalF'rDjecL I'm reanyıookıng forward ıo that
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