Çeviri (Türk/İng)
Çeviri (Türk/İng) 2012 - 2013 Dönem Sonu Sınavı
Çeviri (Türk/İng) 2012 - 2013 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 12.Soru
Çeviri (Türk/İng) 2012 - 2013 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 12.Soru

transkript: 12. Ah Osman'ın îstanbula dunuş vakıa gelıp c asm Bir iki parça eşyasını toplamış, b n itirazlarına rağmen Beyaz Halz'nın hazırıamğı pekmez, zeyıınyağı, ceviz ev ekmeğiyle tıka basa doldurulmuş hır torbayı arenasına yerleştirmışti. o suada vw.“ Ah Osmana Yenı Zewanda ev edresw, telefonlznm. faks numarasına ve eposta adresmw yazıyordu AIı Osman da ona! kem aş kanına ekledwğw ev ve cep lelefomarını gostererek, hangi saane hangw lelefcnda humma oîaswlıgw olduğunu açwkhyordu A) He had packed hıs nmııed propemes end m spas of 311 her protesls, had pwaced lhe plastic bag sıuffed wım a suppwy ov moîasses. ohve DH and humemade Wafnut bread that Amme Beyaz had prepared for hım B) He had packed ms few mmgs and put ın her car and despıte an her prolests had pwaced me pwaszıc bag sıufıed wım a suppwy ov moîasses, ohve o|! and humemade wafnut bread maz Amme Beyaz had prepared vor mm ın her car (:) He had packed some of ms possessmns and put ın has car and regardless of aır her prolesls, nadnz placed the mastır: bag sluffed Wıth some ol moîasses, olive Dll and homemade wamul bread the! Aumıe Beyaz had prepared for hım m hıs Ca( D) He had packed ms (ew belongmgs and put mem ın hıs car and despue all ms proîests' had placed the plastıc bag samed wuh some molasses olive DH and homemade wsînut bread maı Aunus Beyaz had wepared for mm m ms car E) He had packed : (ew cv ms belongmgs and puı ın ms car and despme an her protes's' was gomg ıo place ms pıasuc bag iuu of mowasses, ohve an end homemade waınuı bread msı Auntıe Beyaz was preparmg for hım
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