Çeviri (Türk/İng) 2012 - 2013 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 14.Soru

Çeviri (Türk/İng) 2012 - 2013 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 14.Soru
transkript: 14. Ah Osmanın istanbul'a danuş vaku gelıp çalmwşh Bu akı parça eşyam mplamwş' butun mrazlarma rağmen Beyaz Hawa nm hazwrîamğı pekmez. zeynnyeğr' cevızlı ev ekmeğıyle tıka basa doldurulmus bır torbaya ambasma yeneşnrmısn o swrada Vıkı' Ah Osman'a Yenı Zelenda ev adresını telsiomanm, faks numarasmı ve erposta adresını yazıyordu Ali Osman da ona, kendi iş kanına Eklediği ev ve cep telefonlarını göstererek, hangi same hangi ıeıeıonda bulunma olasılığı olduğunu acıklıynrdu. A) And Aıı Osman was showıng her ıhe een and home phone numbers that he had added to hıs business card! and explaınıng when he was hkeîy 10 DE found at each number B) AII Osman had shawn her the DSH and home phune numbers that he had"! added to his buswness card and had aneauy explaıned when he wuuld passıbwy be found at each number (:) Ah Osman was showing her me cell and home phone numbers mat he had added to ms busıness card whne she was expwamıng when she would probably be found eı each number. D) Ah Osman was awso showıng her the cen and home phone numbevs maı she had added lo her busıness card. and had explained when she was uwhkeîy to be found al each number E) Alı Osman was showmg her the cell and home phone numbers that he had added to hıs busmess cam, mu Then she explained when she was way m be ıound aı each number
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