Çeviri (Türk/İng) 2013 - 2014 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 18.Soru

Çeviri (Türk/İng) 2013 - 2014 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 18.Soru
transkript: 13. 'Aman Beyaz Hala yaaa. Rahat bwrak şu mnerm ya Tamam soğuktu, sessıı aksiydı ama hepimiım adlarını tek tek h r, bize armağanlar haıırıar, snnuna kadar da büyük dedemin üzerine titrerdi kadıncağız. Eceyaywası'nda unun yasın hangw nıne torunlarmın adlarım tek tek bmr Ve halvrîardu mw Hem zeten mmuş gmmş Anık rahaı barak kendım de annem def dem Ah Osman A) OK! | adm“ 'ha! she was cmd! silent! and grumpy but she was a>so knawıng an uur names and preparıng gms for grandpa all the tıme B) OK OK. she was cold. sııenı, and grumpy but she knew your names one by one! prepared gms for gmndpa. and mok care of grandpa ımın the very end c, AH “gm, she was ora, gmmpy and sııem but you should accept that thai poor woman knew our names by heart. bought u5 a wozof gms. and took Very good sa(e oigrendpa D) Well yes she was msıam. swlent and grumpy bul she never iorgol our names. always prepared gms for us. and mok good care ofgrandpa E] Aır rıghl she was cold, srlenL and grumpy but the poor woman knew aH ofournames prepared usgms and lock wonderM care ov grandpa unu! me very end
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