Çeviri (Türk/İng)
Çeviri (Türk/İng) 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı
Çeviri (Türk/İng) 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 18.Soru
Çeviri (Türk/İng) 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 18.Soru

transkript: 15. Dedeman ewden Çkaa şık ıayyorıenyıe hayal meyal ammsarım babaannem Bana onun hakkında him anlatılanlarla, elimdekı fuıoğraı imgelerinı hirlesnrince onun, modem güzel. çekingen ve mesafelı bır kadın olduğunu söyleyebıırım. Dedemıe olan wŞkwsımn' dedemin Rozıta'yla olan whşkısıne pek benzemedığını duşunurum A) Addmg all 1 was luld about her to the pnmograpns ı have mama say 'ha! she was a modem! embarrassed and dwskanıwoman E) When all that a have heard about her ıs combmed wwth au me photographs ı have, ıı can be sam that she was a modern beauMul. umıd and cold woman c) Cumbmıng everythmg was told aboulmy grandmother wwh 21! the pwctures ol her w havev ı was akne to say that she was a modem beauMuI and mstantwcman D) When ı combme an msı w have been told ov her Wıth me photographs m my possesswonj can say ıhaı she was a modem, heaunlulw shy and wsıantwoman. E) If une combınes all that ı have been mm of her wım the photographs ı have ofher, he may say that she was a modern. beauMul Shy and ınnımeea woman
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