Çeviri (Türk/İng) 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 4.Soru

Çeviri (Türk/İng) 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 4.Soru
transkript: Çocuk sucuye duyduğu ılgwsw hıç yıımeden annesıne surdu —Bu suçunun cok parası verdm değıl mı anne? —Nerden çıkardın bunu? Pâl'âSl olsa suculuk yapmaı. A) How do you know msv The one wııh muney womdn'edo Inısjoh B) Whatever made yau lhmk thal” ıı he had money he woman“: be a waıer-seııer o) Whats sty ıdeal |H had money, ı wouwdn't have been a walenseller D) How can yau thmkm mas wavanen he has meney he won't be a waterseııer anymore E) Whnever gave you Lhıs wdea that he would be a waterrseHer wne had money, ws wrong
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