Çocuklara Yabancı Dil Öğretimi 2 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı 7.Soru

Çocuklara Yabancı Dil Öğretimi 2 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı 7.Soru
transkript: 7, Which of the following is ıaıse about teaching culture wlıhin a foreign language programme? Some course books may wgnove Ihe need lor cuHuraI appropriacy Teachıng cuHure newps lo develop cunuraı awareness and internationew underslenmng. Aspecls of cuvıure need to be represented (rom a cth's perspeclwev cmıure cannot be taught wunouı using genuinelyaumennc maıenaıs. Fıclıonal characters eı me pupiıs' age can be used ıorexpwonng me ıargetcullurev
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