Dilbilgisi Öğretimi 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı 16.Soru

Dilbilgisi Öğretimi 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı 16.Soru
transkript: 16. Teaching all lhe possmıe forms Ieamers wıH need încreasıng Ieamers' abwhiy lo produce weU-formed Sentences Focusmg Wearners' anemon to me meanings which lorms convey Teaching me mıes ıhaı govern how semenees are iormeu HewıngIearnerstorecognizeweuriormed semences Which nf me ıoııowing islere true tor teaching grammar? A) land v E) |' III, and IV C) II, III, and V D) ı, », ıu, and wv E) |, İl, IIL |V. and V
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