Dilbilgisi Öğretimi 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı 7.Soru

Dilbilgisi Öğretimi 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı 7.Soru
transkript: 7 9 numaralı soruları aşagıdaki bllglye gme cevapla nı Mr. Gunes nas aeomeaıa use a lexmn mlernet censurship as a conlext for modals 'can. may! migmx He writes “mternet censorsmp“ on the board and asks students“ opmıons about the 10pr Then! he reads e texteboulrwo dıHerem peopwe's opimons on me lopwc. The sıudsms are supposed lo Just hslen ıo mm as he reads me (ex! and wme down the words or phrases they rememberas soun as he ünıshes readmg. Auer students lake noıes, mey work ın groups of four and recreate me ıexı comperıng mev nolesv Then! me origmaw ıexı ıs projecled on me board and each group Compares lheir texls wilh we origmaw one. During me companson stage lhe s(udenvs nolwce lhe danerences between (hev (exls and me angmar one Thewr [ext backed the use o| modals. 7. What kind of teaching is ne doing? A) Authenuc B) Long C) Beyondmeweach D) Shorl E) Complex
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