Dilbilgisi Öğretimi 2013 - 2014 Tek Ders Sınavı 10.Soru

Dilbilgisi Öğretimi 2013 - 2014 Tek Ders Sınavı 10.Soru
transkript: 10, Mr. 'mıı and Mr. Şen were asked (o grade the grammar se ion of a placement test. Mr. Tııiz gave 30 to one of the Student's paper and Mr. $en gave 60 to the same paper. They could nm e their fınaı Verdict for maı paper. So mis case, it can be said that mıs les! İS LD! A) valıd B) rehable C) dıagnosuc D) pracncaı E) mouvaung
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