Dilbilgisi Öğretimi 2013 - 2014 Tek Ders Sınavı 4.Soru

Dilbilgisi Öğretimi 2013 - 2014 Tek Ders Sınavı 4.Soru
transkript: 4 ve 5 numaralı sorula asa ıdak hılg e g ecevaplay ız Mr Uygun ıs (eachmg "Do you Iıke7"slruclure (o halk about ieısure acuvmes Farsi, he dıwdes (he students ıma groups eN Then, he sucks 10 flashcards showıng peopıe doıng dıfferenl acuvıues such as “playıng fooıbaw watchıng TV (eadıng, cychng, gomg shoppmg, etc“ Laler' he askS students to find out Whu Iıkes doıng whalby askıng each other quesnenswith "Do you Iıke7' Fmeııy, leacherasks how many sıudems ın each group uke domg me menlroned acnvmes 4. The alm o| this ac lo .. ıy ıs to help students A) pay attention ıoıorm E) mtegrale new knowledge ınıo old o) avoid from making mıslakes D) focus on the meanıng E) getleedback from the teacher
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