Dilbilim 2
Dilbilim 2 2013 - 2014 Tek Ders Sınavı
Dilbilim 2 2013 - 2014 Tek Ders Sınavı 3.Soru
Dilbilim 2 2013 - 2014 Tek Ders Sınavı 3.Soru
transkript: Which one of the ıoııowing supports me Concepto! interlanguage? A) B) Errors slemmmg from swmılar grammaucaw smıcıures between L1 snd L2 Errors urıgmahng from swmılar vocabulary ıısmsın U and L2 Errors made due lu some aWecux/e factors Error: Whıch seem ıu have no cannecuon te me 'orms 07L1and L2 Errors sıemmıng from negatwe expenence wım me culture ofthe (ergel language
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