European Integratıon Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1394424

I. Exclusive Power Areas for the EU

II. Shared Power Areas between the EU and the Member States

III. Supporting, Coordinating and Supplementing Competence Areas for the E

Under the principle of conferral the EU has 5 different categories of powers which are regulated between articles 2-6 of the TFEU. Which of the above are included in these categories?

Only I

Only III

I and II

II and III


Yanıt Açıklaması:

Under the principle of conferral the EU has 5 different categories of powers which are regulated between articles 2-6 of the TFEU. Such categories are as follows:

Exclusive Power Areas for the EU

Shared Power Areas between the EU and the Member State

Coordination of Economic and Employment Policies of the Member States

EU’s Powers in the Area of CFSP

Supporting, Coordinating and Supplementing Competence Areas for the EU

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