European Integratıon Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1393627

'The role of the Court of Justice of the EU is .........................'

Which of the following best completes the statement above?

to put a maximum limit for the files under judgement in the member countries  

to provide the judicial safeguards necessary to ensure that the law is observed in
the interpretation and application of the treaties in member countries

to coordinate the files at courts which concern more than two member counties in the union

to monitor if the judge files are dealth with competently by the judges in the member countries

to provide judges for the member countries  to help them investigate the judge files beyond their control

Yanıt Açıklaması:

In the institutional design of the EU, the CJEU acts as the judicial branch. The role of the CJEU is to provide the judicial safeguards necessary to ensure that the law is observed in the interpretation and application of the treaties and generally in all of the activities of the Union. As mentioned above, the European integration is governed by the rule of law. 

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