Foreıgn Trade
Foreıgn Trade Deneme Sınavı
Foreıgn Trade Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1398593
Foreıgn Trade Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1398593
- Protect domestic producers
- Implement infant-industry argument
- Serve for diplomatic relations
- Collect revenue to the Treasury
Which of the above trade restriction aims are known as traditional aims of trade restrictions?
I-IV |
Yanıt Açıklaması:
Countries usually resort to trade restrictions with various aims. Among them, most referred aims are to protect the domestic consumers, to collect revenue to the treasury, to adjust balance of payments, to implement infant- industry argument and to serve for diplomatic relations. The first two aims, namely to protect the domestic consumers and to collect revenue to the treasury, are referred as traditional aims of trade restrictions.
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