Hıstory Of Internatıonal Relatıons Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1377182
What is Fashoda Crisis of 1898?
Fashoda Incident was regional crisis between Germany and England. |
Fashoda crisis was a region in Egypt between Germany and France. |
Fashoda crisis was in the red sea crisis between Germany and France. |
Fashoda crisis was the power crisis on the Suez canal between Germany and France. |
Fashoda crisis, at Fashoda, Egyptian Sudan (now Kodok, South Sudan), of a series of territorial disputes in Africa between Great Britain and France. |
The first of the diplomatic crises was the Fashoda Crisis of 1898 between France and Britain. Though the French had pulled back in the face of a British demonstration of power, crises such as this in a remote African region showed how quickly armed conflict between great European powers might erupt, even from a distant colonial backwater.
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