Hıstory Of Internatıonal Relatıons Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1377182

What is Fashoda Crisis of 1898?

Fashoda Incident was regional crisis between Germany and England.

Fashoda crisis was  a region in Egypt between Germany and France.  

Fashoda crisis was  in the red sea crisis between Germany and France.

Fashoda crisis was the power crisis on the Suez canal between Germany and France.

Fashoda crisis, at Fashoda, Egyptian Sudan (now Kodok, South Sudan), of a series of territorial disputes in Africa between Great Britain and France.

Yanıt Açıklaması:

The first of the diplomatic crises was the Fashoda Crisis of 1898 between France and Britain. Though the French had pulled back in the face of a British demonstration of power, crises such as this in a remote African region showed how quickly armed conflict between great European powers might erupt, even from a distant colonial backwater.

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