İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2012 - 2013 Ara Sınavı
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2012 - 2013 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2012 - 2013 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: 1 _ 12 numaralı soruları asağıdakı parcaya göre cevaplayınıı. (1) wwe lhe outlook ıs guod there are ;: number oi (actors (o be consıdered before undertaking a career ın lhe ans Foremosl among mese are ıawem. (raınmg and personal characıensuos Whether a persons (;an ıs to be an acıor or an smmamr, a saxophonısı ora sculptor, laîenl as an essenuaw consıderatıon However ıawem alone w>II nm guarantee a successmı career m lhe ans Most Careers alsa requıre ırammg (z) Aıı peopre m me arts need ıo be selfr dıscwphnsd' creative. and ame lu express ınemseıves lmough meır an' whatever ıı may be Beyund me need (or lhsse genera am mes, each career caHs vor dısuncı personal characlenstıcs an dırecıors' for ınslance shouwd be good al weadıng peopwe, ncııon wnlers shomd be prepared ln spend hours wwth only men ımagınauon and a word process“ (3) A career ın Ihe ans requıres ; personar sense oi commitment because an does have a hıstory of ınsecure emplayment Those who are ınteresled showu ıaik wım ari professwonals nr wark ın ihe ans (hemselves Professwonals can gıve guad msmam advıce, ım expenence ws lhe bes! way to get a feel for the new Thıs expenence does not have to be lamel ıı can be pamume or voıunıeer work Those who lhınk they mıght wanx to be graphıc desıgners onula work as pesle—up amsts (or a school newspaper Aspwng aclors could appear ın ınca» producnons and photographers coma stan by snappmg photos for & ıemııy weddmg (4) FmaHy me ması ımponam wnsıderanon ıs ınaı many amsıs fm wt mffıcuıı, even wmpossıble' lo hve on me money (hey maks from lheır arı cms shockıng m mem aı the beginmng, many have to suppwemenc [herr ıncome by ıeachıng, by workmg behmd me scenes or by domg omer work not rewaıed ıo (he ans 1. The first pamgıaph o| me ıexı focuses on A) goaws of a person whHe makmg a career ın the ans B) vanely eı Careers m dıfferem news 01 the arts C) wmponance ov talent ın makmg career ın lhe ans D) requvrements oi mekıng a career m the arts E) how ıo bs successful ın mcreasmg ıawem ın me arts
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