İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 6.Soru
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 6.Soru
transkript: s 11 numaralısorularıaş dakıparçaya g re cevaplayınıı (the text cnnunues) (4) m 1993. publıc outcg roııuwmg me rewease of wolem vwdeo games Monaî Kumbat and Nıgm Trap prompted Congress (o hold neanngsonreguraungmesaıe ofwdeogames Durıng me neanngs, Cahmmıa Anamey General Dan Lungren eesunea maı vıowem vıdeo games have "a desensmzmg Impact on yuungmmpressmnabîe mınds"Th(eatened wm ıhe creauon ufa (ederm regulatory commassıon. ıhe vıdeo game mdusuy vowunwny establıshed lhe Emenammem Software Raung Boevd (ESRE) on Sep x, 1994 lu creaıe a ratmgs system Based on me vıdeo game's content. the ESRE assıgns one afmei Huwmg raungs Earıycmmhaod' Everyone, Everyone mu “Teen!” “Mature.“ or "Aduwcs omy" xn a Pew Research Center 2008 survey! 50% oıboys and “% afgmsaged12'17hslsd a game wnn a "Mature“ or “Aduns Only“ (atıng ın (heır current mp mree vevonıe games (5) The comroversy aver vıoıemvmeo games resurîacedfaHowınglhe massacre of ıs peopwe at Columbme Hıgh Schoow m JeHerson Coumy The MD teenage shooters were reveaied to be a pwayers olweapon-besed comhalgames Wolfenstem 3D and Doom FnHowmg me shooung. 176 newspaper amcwes across the cmmtry focused on the aHegauon tha! VideO games were the cause enne nagedy s. When was the Government convinced to make some regulations on video games? A) Ana ms ıeısese oi same popuwar vıdeu games 5) AS soon as Darı Lungren suggested new reguwauons (:) Durıng me hesrıngs agamsı vımence m socwely D) Aüer same pubhc reacımns agamsı death race E] Folluwmg the estahhshment oı esme m 1994
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