İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2015 - 2016 Ara Sınavı
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2015 - 2016 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2015 - 2016 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: 1 _ 11. soruıarı asağıdaki parcaya göre cevaplayınıı. [P1] Andrew Robınsons "Lost Languages The Emgma of me World's Undecıphered Scrıpıs“ ıs about Varıous undecrphered wrınng systems ıı ıncludes lhe three iamous examples o| successlul dsmpherment Egypuan memgıypnş Mycenaean Lmear B wnhng and me Meyan memgıypns Then there are sevem cnapıers about calligraphıes ınaı are snn undecıphered. ıncludıng bom weH-known and wes; welI-known ones such as Lınear A, me !ndus Valley scan (he Etruscan arphabeı and the mscnpuon on ıhe Phaısms dısc [PZ] From the poım M view of farm and productıcn, mıs rs arı unusuaw book n has many ewemenıs lhat remınd one more mı 3 ıexmoak than of a tradmonaî irade pubhcauon For example mere's the unuSuaHy wade 'ownat, me pages are almost as wade as they are ıaw and much oı me (ext ıs sel m (wo columns [PS] Another very unusuaw ıhıng 15 that the whole text ws sel ın ; sans—seni typsfaoe' ı thınk (hıs as the msı tıme I've read a whole book m & sansrsevıi face, and ı now quite agree wım |hose who say that senffed faces are easwer to read and sansrserık shomd nm be used for extended aggregates of [ext And. must suncuswy ov all the book ıs pnnted m two colors the text and wlluslrauons are mosııy m bıack. bu! occasmnauy a bı! oı bme ıs used m headıngs and m ırame or mgmıgm some pamcularly ımeresnng pan of an Wlluswallon [PA] The chapter: anam ihe Wee decvphered scnpts are pamcuıany ınterestıng as they show (he venous Sma" sleps and dwscovenes mat evemuauy led ıo me successful decıphevmem About the other. sun undecıpheved scnpıs mscussee m (ms book. so hltle ıs known that the author cannot do much more than descnbe (he cuvrenııy known mscnphons, how they have been discovered and what attempts have been su var been made m explam and decıpher them There ws noı much hope that mese omer scrıpts wuı be decmnered m the foreseeable fulure as we don'l have enough maıerıaı ın [hem no bıhnguai (exts and onen no knowwedge cı me languages maı were wmten usmg mese scnpls
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