İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2012 - 2013 Ara Sınavı
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2012 - 2013 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2012 - 2013 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: ıu numaızıı soruları zşagıdak parçaya g re cevaplayı (1) One of me grealest benems (hat [(ees can prowde vor human popuwauons is being reehzed by exlendmg and wmpmvmg what today's ioreSters can ıhe "urban forest". Tms incwudes an me trees ın cıty parks, me ırees pıanıeu along cıty streets and mgnways, and me ırees ın peopwe's yards. About one-lhırd of me sudece area ov an average Amencan cuy ws gıven to stress snd buwldmgs The resı ws covered by trees and grass. (2) The cuncept a' a tree-hned wııage green has a long msmry but one o| Norm Amence's msı pubhc parks maı was manned and created as a unmed proıecı was Cenırax Pavk m New York cuy. Central Park was deswgned by landscape archilects oımsıeu end Vaux m ihe lale mneteenlh century Theır mspırauun came (rom (he gardens ov European estales and [he romanhc Wandscape paınımgs enne perıod (3) Central park was sel in a rectanguwar sne ınaı covered over soo acres ın me mwddle o| Manhattan IsWand The sıte had once been forested wılh an awesome vanety of trees bul by men the ongınal ıoresı was wong gone. The area had been used as a common gasture for Hacks and herds by Cowboys and evenmeny had deteriorated ınıo e kmd or urban wasıewanc, dotted wnh garbage dumps (4) The wsion of Oîmsied and Vaux transformed mıs wasteîand ınto a semblance of (ts ongınaw vom wmn rollıng hıHs, grassy meadows, and woody ımckets Workers planled thousands of trees and turned me extremely muddy and dirty area mm a perfect place. The resmi waş a manrmade oasıs ın me mwdst uf steel and stone. Cenlraî Park has been called “lhe cuy's lung" ın New York, and 3 remaırıs as one of me nesı exampWes of what can be done wun the open spaces cısıreeıs 1. The (ext is mainly about A) urban ıorests B) parks desvgned by owmscea and Vaux cı parks m New York D) me mstory o| Cemraw Park E) European efiecı on design oi uman parks
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