İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı 9.Soru

İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı 9.Soru
transkript: 9 - 20 numaralı soruları aşagıdaki parçaya göre cevapıayınız, The Environment and Glnbal Economies (1) The chauenge for humenkind has been ıo ıransıorm ıhe exrsling economy mto one msı does ncı, threaten or destroylhe envıronmem This Environmenlal Revomnon can be compared co me Agncuuuraı Revoluuon and (he Indusmar Revomnon o| lhe pası. Archaeological fındings reveaw ınaı me great cwmzauons at the dawn uv hıstory pursued eccncmwes mat were ıamy destruchve to me environmenı However, ıhe people then were unable to change wnaı lhey were domg because mey dıd noı understand wnaı was happening (2) Todayı howeverq we have me power to bring abouı changes to stop lhe destrucuon o| me enwmnmenı because we are beocmmg more aware ofhow our hves are shaped by me environment The news ebem üshery coHapses, waıer shortages, raınforesıs burmng unconlrollably' sudden deaths o| bms, dclphıns and nsh, record heat waves! and ragmg storms lhal cause wıdespread destrucuon amy serve to mcrease our awareness (hat our survwaw depends on lhe weatherwhich m (um depends on our abmıy to maintain me ecologıcaW balance Decades before. m was mamly environmenıaw acliwsts who played a dommanı role in drawmg atlerman [0 the graduaî destructwcn of lhe environment Today, (h_eı share lhıs role wilh dvecıors o| warge corporation; government mmisters, prominent scwenusvs and intelligence agencıes are speakıng amon lhe need lo change (3) People can now make decîswcns © ww help resımcıure economies. For exampıe, compames who want to buy timber products cen decide whelheno buy from companieslhaı are managing veresıs m a responsible manner or (rom companies suspected ohnegal Ioggmg precuces Consumers in the Urmed States! (or example.can choose to buy powerlrom 'green' sources as consumers become more aware o| dmerem energy sources avauame. Governments can also decıde 10 become a 'green consumer“ by ngıing far sources of ewecmcııy that are cıımaıe-fnendıy and buy paper that has a mgh recycwed oomem. (4) Trme ;s 0/ ms essence and the new economwc pracnceS musl be accepted quıckwy The omy way mis can be done is to spread accurate mlmrnation quickwy and on a reguwar basıs For exampıe, inıormauon on clımauc changes, and of how me inemoiem use oı waıer can lead ıo food shoneges musı be shared Media coverage of enwmnmemaw trends and events mustalso be sıepped up
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