İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2013 - 2014 Dönem Sonu Sınavı
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2013 - 2014 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 1.Soru
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2013 - 2014 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: 1 _ 12 numaralı scruları asağıdakı parcaya göre cevaplayınıı. (1) The mast remarkabwe way to modııy the look of yuur house 45 to change lhe fumıshıng m ıı Thıs change mcludes everymmg from cunams and upholstew Io cusmon coversand bedspreads Cass can be mınvmızed ıı yau choose a mumrpurpose iebnc maıcan be used for at least lhree out of the four above because M buymg usuaHy reduces me pnce Usıng the same (abrıc cushıons and bedspread or amam: and cushıuns wın gwe a roam a coordmated Wook The iniııal pan of m procedure ws! absoıuıewy decıdmg whatrype of iebnc KU use (2) The three major Aswan (abnc-fumıshmg pmducers ars Thaüand, îndıa and Japan Lers begın wılh Thaı suk Thıs glnrıous (anne ıs (ougher and stumierthan omer Sılks and (he colors can be beth plam end vwıdwy panemed. However cenem ws can fade m Strong Sunhgm snd cunams mustthereiore be hned Good quality Thaw sılks have colors that wıH not geıwashed away and they arealso wovenvsry closely n means Malthe sılks wıII notrun, sag. Shred or wear The best îndıan süks come maınwy (mm [he south and ammıng zo some people theır msxer ws better than Thaı sHk îndıan sıst can be washed However lheır coıor wuı eventuaHy vade m the sun! so dry- cleamng ıs the best (3) Another good quauıy (abna to use ıs canon Masta! (he mass productıoncottons come from Eumpe and (he Unıted States but accordwng (o some people. the best hand—woven conons wwm me ünsst ugmeslweaves are (mm Cahcuı ın southrwest (ndwa |_: ıs uurabıe, mugh and reasanaoıy pncsd (4) There ıs yet another malena! Whıch ıs ıncreasıngly popuıar as 3 son mmısmng, !ealher We all know mel leather , usuaHy m dark cowors . has wong been used vorsoia sexs. But now you can buy contemporary furmture m ıeamer eı every shade and mas means pettemed as weu as plaın Leather ws no ıanger onıyıor smmg on Today, there are also weamer tables! chests o! drawers and even bedspreads. The great wrme oı Weather ws tha! ıı lasts about four lımes as long as fabnc Therefore, a leamer sofa coma ıesnmas wong es sween yeavs Bearıng thıs m mm me hıgh cost does mı seem quıle so exorbnanl Many consıder ıeamer eıeganı because ns ıeeı ıs es savı as wool and as smooth es sılk
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