İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 1.Soru
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: snumaıaıısomıa aşagıda parçaya gore cevaplayınız (F1) The 1ndusma1 Revoıunon marked ; mam (urnıng pomı ın Earths eco1ogy end humans reîalıonşmp w1th (hew envımnmenl Wt dramaucany changed every aspecı of human hle and Iıleswles The ımpact on the wond's giyene Wuum wat begm to regısısr unm the early 1900: same 200 years aRer 115 begınmngs From human devempmsnı, heamı and Me 1ongev1zy,1o semal mevemems and the Impact on naturaî resources, public health! energy usage and samteuon. the eNects were mtense (PZ) The most pmımc ewdence oı me Indusmal Revomuons Impact on me modern warld ıs seen m 1119 wundwıde human popu1a1ıon growth Humans have been around lar about 2 2 mılhon years By me dawn UHhe 11151 mıllenmum AD. estımates mace me lotal wodd (modern) human popuıanon at between 150 — 200 mıllıom and 300 mınıon m the year 1000 The populatmn of the Unıted sums popu1auon 15 currenüy 312.000000 (August 2011) The wovld human pupuıeuon growm rale would be abem 01 percent ( 001)peryearfur me next seven 10 e1gmcenmnes 1. It is implied in the texlthal... A) me populalırm enne us was among 1507 2001housandsımhe msı mıllenmum B) peop1e have used some medıcmss sınce me hıstory ofhuman (o survıve o) popmauon growth has broughl many advantages for modem people D) ıhe mduslrıal Revaıuımn ııaıes back 10 17605 E) 2151 cenlııry w1H be the peak penad for popmauon ıncrease
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