İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 4.Soru
İleri Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 4.Soru
transkript: 4 12 numaralısorula aşagıdakıparçaya gore cevaplayını (the text conunuesı (Ps) Anne dawn ofthe mausmaı Rsvulutmn m me mıdwoos the world Shumen popuwauon g(ew by about 57 percent (o 700 mıllıon u would reach one bıllıon m 1500 Nate The Bwack Pwague reduced the world pupulaimn by abuut 75 mıllıon people ın Ihe late 13005 The bmn 01 ms wndusınaw Revoıumn akered medıcme and hvıng standards |_: was a mHestone (07 the popuwauon expwosıon (hat would commence at ıhaı pomı and steamroH mm ıhe zum and 21sı cemunes în only 100 years aRer me ense: of the Indusmal Revoıumon. me wand popuwaııon woum grow 100 percenuo ıwo bıllıon gecme ın 1927 (about ws hdhon by 1900) (FA) During lhe zoıh cenlury, lhe world human population would take on exponenııaı propomons growıng lo sıx thon peopleıusl Delme the start loe 21 century Thai s a 400 percempopuıauon ıncreaseın a sıngıe century Smce the 250 years from the begwnmng aime ındusmaw Revoıumn m mday. g has mcreased by sax nımon peumel Human popmauon grawm ıs indelıblı ned together wwth Increased use of nalwal and man—made resources! energy wand Yor growıng food and for hvmg, and waste by» products that ane dwşposed 0! (o decompose pollute or be recycıed Thıs exponemıaw popuwauon growth wed la the exponenuaw reqmremenls for resources, energy. food. housmg and land. as weh as the exponennaı ıncreese m wesıe byrpmducvs What du you lhmk’i WwH the Earth overcome (his Weed In the vuıurev 4. At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. worid’s human population was anouı. A) 1 mıllıon B) 1 7 mühon C) 57 mm D) 700 mıllıon E] 500 mıllıon
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