İngiliz/Amerikan Edebiyatı 1 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı 11.Soru

İngiliz/Amerikan Edebiyatı 1 2013 - 2014 Ara Sınavı 11.Soru
transkript: 11. Kugelmass Epwsode Kugelmass wants to be projecled to me book Madame Bovary before page 120 because. . A) he Suspects everybudy wıII recagmze hıs strange appearance mme laterpages ofthe noveî E) Persky can amy project peopwe 10 the eany pages ehhe book mey wan! C) Emma meeıs a chereclernemed Rudolpho whom Kugemass mmks he cannot cope wım D) he heheves me earwy pages ofa nove1 are aıways more emurıg than me later pages E) Emma turns ouı to be a onal woman to her husband aRer page 120
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