İngiliz/Amerikan Edebiyatı 2 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 14.Soru

İngiliz/Amerikan Edebiyatı 2 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 14.Soru
transkript: 14. An lnspedurCaHs w ıs a (amy sohd Suburban house wwh good sohd furmlure Whıch ıs substanlıal and heavıly cnmeV'able rather than Cosy " What does me aescnpıion above given in me play tell me audience and the readers about the lamily? A) The famHy ws ncı as wealthy as must ufthe rammes ohhe age a; Thefamılyısnch butmuderale e) The famıly comes from mıddle dass and they are qune weaımy D) Famny members have wong nes wuh each omer Iıke me lurnıture m me house E) The iamHy has no secrets from each other Mke ıhe cosy sohd furmmre they have
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