Ingilizce 1 Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1131921

Konuşmalardaki boşlukları tamamlayınız.

Complete the blanks in the dialogue.

Lena: ____________, Tom

Tom: Yeah.

Lena: _________________your dictionary.

Tom: Sure. Now, where is it?

Lena:’s right in front of you.

Tom: Oh, yeah.________________.

Lena: Thanks.

Tom: ______________________.

Can I borrow your dictionary/Where is/Sure/Thanks anyway

Sorry/ Where is/Sure/You’re welcome

Excuse me/Can I barrow/Here you go/Sure

Excuse me/Can I barrow/Here you go/Thanks

Excuse me/Can I borrow /Here you go/You’re welcome

Yanıt Açıklaması:

Doğru cevap e seçeneğidir. Correct option is e.

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