Ingilizce 1 Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #587879

I. They are outgoing and fun. II. Really? What are they like? III. How is your new school, Sarah? IV. Oh, well. She is strict but nice. V. It is great, thanks. I like my classmates. VI. Great! And is your teacher OK? Which one of the following is the correct order of the dialogue above? (Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki diyaloğun doğru sırasıdır?)

VI – V – III – I – II – IV

I – IV – II – V – VI - III

III – IV – VI – V – II – I

III – V – II – I – VI - IV

V – I – VI – IV – II – III

Yanıt Açıklaması:

Diyaloğun doğru sırası şu şekildedir: (Koyu renkli sözcüklerin birbirini nasıl takip ettiklerine dikkat ediniz)

III- A: How is your new school?

V- B: It is great, thanks. I like my classmates.

II- A: Really? What are they like?

I- B: They are outgoing and fun.

VI- A: Great! And is your teacher OK?

IV- B: Oh, well. She is strict but nice.

Doğru cevap D'dir.

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