Internatıonal Securıty Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1007985
"People and governments in the modern world are affected by what happens elsewhere, and particularly by the actions of their counterparts in other countries."
According to the extract given above, which of the following might NOT be an example of the actions that affect other countries?
Economic fluctuations |
Climate change |
Poverty reduction |
Education system |
Human rights |
The stress on interdependence that is basic to commercial liberalism has been further developed by neoliberals into what Keohane and Nye (1977) called complex interdependence. Complex interdependence reflects the extent to which peoples and governments in the modern world are affected by what happens elsewhere, and particularly by the actions of their counterparts in other countries. This applies not only in the economic realm, through the advance of globalization, but is also evident in relation to a range of other issues, including climate change, development and poverty reduction, and human rights.
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