İşletme Bilgi Sistemleri
İşletme Bilgi Sistemleri Deneme Sınavı
İşletme Bilgi Sistemleri Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #353546
İşletme Bilgi Sistemleri Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #353546
When a company needs to decide on investment on a specific classification, where is the information gathered from?
Regional sales |
Sales by trade category |
Sales by market segment |
Sales representatives’ records and reports |
Sales volume by type of channel of distribution |
Yanıt Açıklaması:
Based on this information gathered from sales by trade category, one may get an idea on market performance versus investment for each trade classification. When a company needs to decide on investment on a specific classification, the information gathered in this section might be beneficial for decision making.
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