İşletme Yönetimi Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #364079
For more refined and detailed decision making, we can think of three criteria: ethicality, acceptability and timeliness. Which one below describes acceptability?
It refers to whether an alternative would be seen as ethical by various stakeholders. |
A decision must be suitable to all stakeholders. |
It is the extent to which an alternative will be found supportable by the stakeholders. |
It refers to the ethicality of employees. |
It is about determining the right timing for decisions. |
These three criteria are mentioned as factors affecting the effectiveness of a decision process and the quality of a decision. For evaluating the content of a decision, the decision maker should know the values and concerns of the stakeholder groups. Ethicality is assuring that an alternative would be seen as ethical by various stakeholders. Acceptability is the extent to an alternative is viewed as acceptable and supportable by the stakeholders.
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