İşletmeye Giriş
İşletmeye Giriş Deneme Sınavı
İşletmeye Giriş Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1209275
İşletmeye Giriş Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1209275
Economic value added (EVA) is calculated with the formula:
EVA = Cash Flow / Market Value of Capital Employed. |
EVA= NOPAT / (Capital Base, net of depreciation) |
EVA= NOPAT / (Capital Base, net of depreciation * WACC) |
EVA= NOPAT / (Capital Base, net of depreciation * Cash flow) |
EVA = Cash Flow * Market Value of Capital Employed. |
Yanıt Açıklaması:
The following formula is used to calculate EVA:
EVA= NOPAT / (Capital Base, net of depreciation * WACC)
NOPAT: Net Operating Profit After Tax
WACC : Weighted Average Cost of Capital
If EVA is positive, then it means the company is adding value.
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