Okuma Ve Dinleme Öğretimi 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 12.Soru

Okuma Ve Dinleme Öğretimi 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 12.Soru
transkript: 12, wmcıı oı ıne following is u_u: true about remembering wnrds? A) B) C) D) ED Amcuıeıory loop enabWes the shorHerm store to be keptlresh Vocabulary <eamıng 15 a questmn o| accumuwaung ınawıduaw ııems Vısual mnemomcs aııowsıo ehcılwmds from ıong ıerm memory mm workıng memory Workıng memory has a !ımılsd capacıîyv Reasomng Ieamıng and understandmg depend on shonıerm memory
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