Okuma Ve Dinleme Öğretimi 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 8.Soru

Okuma Ve Dinleme Öğretimi 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 8.Soru
transkript: a. , What do you thınk? How do people judge socıaî dass m your country? Pul me foHowıng factors m order o! ımponance. addıng any oxherfacıors you consıder wmponanl. , how much you earn _ who youv parents are _ whauob you do . where you Iıve Which of the followıng acuviıy type ıs me task above included? A) Alask challengmg convemıonal outcomes E) Alask offering aıısrnaıwe readıngs ufa text cı Alask analyzmg hnguısuc choices D) A crossrcuııurm prerreadıng (esk E) Alask ıdenufymg peraHeI mscourses
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