Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1
Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2013 - 2014 Dönem Sonu Sınavı
Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2013 - 2014 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 1.Soru
Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2013 - 2014 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: 1 . 5 numaralı soruıan aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. (1) There are a 10! o! areas oı expemse and hobbwes that can be mcluded under ari, Mke hierature, musıc, pamtıng sculptmg and many more and ıns mlerestmg to noıe matthese are aıı areas ıhaı reqwe some form of creaııve ouıpumom me ams: (zı Someıy recogmzss an ams: as someone who ıs perlormıng some creetwe |ask mal ıs remolely related lu academıc sıumes and mienecmaw pursml bunms as a mısconcepuun ıheı has been aHowed (o deveıop over tıme Auer all greaı scıenıısls and mvenlors or [he pası were aH anısîs m mev own "gm, and deserve mis ıag as much as anyone eıse does Thus! the wmponance av an educauon and ms reach cannome unueıesıımaıeu atany pomım ume (:) m same ways, mere ıs cenawnly an mner amsı wılhm all of us Thws holds (rue because every smgwe mdwmuaı passessesıhaıone skıH. or area ofımeresL that he or she can express netler than others w ıms area of ımeresl ıs quowed wwth passwon and me ngm km of ıramıng a erîîedged and Iucrewe careeman be carved cutofıl There are many people Whu luHow such ınstmcts because w! gwes one the platform to create somethmg (hat ws apprecıeled by one and am. and as remembered var a ıong me (4) An gwes an ındıvıduaî me vreedom nı sxpressıun, and alluws mm or her ıu pursue moss maugms and acuons max bnng msmaı peace Most people do nox even ıeaııze ıheıı skılls and fascmauon unw ıx vs (00 lele, By encouragıng peopîe' especially cmaıen lo commumcale [herr wmaginatıon mlo somethmg Vısual end cangıbleq we are opemng up new doors ofpossmımyıo them 1 In me 15: pamgraph, me wrıter's aim is to emphasiıe mat .. . A) there are many dıHerem types oları B) ın many areas peopîe are mtevegted m ans e) all hubbıes are a kvnd nfan D) any lype ofan requwes experuse E) an ıs a result oımen's creetwıly
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