Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1
Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı
Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru
Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 1 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: 9 numara! sorular aşagıdakı parçaya g re cevaplayını Benjamın Franklin (1) Benjamın Franklın Wed through awmosune wwe ohne eıghteenlh century bemg bom sıx years auer ıı began! and dyıngten years belore wl ended în lhws tıme he saw the Amencan cmonves grow from uny sememems ının a naımn. and he aîsm conmbuısd much (0 the development ofthe new sms (zı Aı the age ol 17 Frankhn ran away lo Phııadewpma He had already receıved some ııammg as a prımer's apprenuce, Whıch heıped hım Wıth nısnrsıpunncauon, me Pennsywvama Gelene“ He also receıved a contract to do government prımmg Würk, and became ; successM enıregreneur Some uf hıs expenence ın business was shared ın nıs famous “Poor chhard's Almanak“! wmcn ssmnushed hıs repuıauon throughout the Amerıcan commas (3) He was despwy mterested m science and natural msıary, and m ımprovmg me candmons uf Ns fech men He was mvmved m :: number ov projects m hıs nalıve Phıladeiphıe' ıncmumg me semng up of ;; !ıbrary' a unıversıty, a phnosopmcaw socıety and -because he was a pragmauc man - 3 ara prevenuon servıce m 1753 he became PcslmasterrGenera! ol me cmonves Through mıs experıence he began lu develop ıhe Idea ıheı ıhe commas oı Narlh Amerıca should be a smgıe nauon Leıer. hs wenı m Londmn to try lu persuade the Ermsh government to change me condmons. especıaııyıhe mes. ıhaı Ialerled (he Amencan cummsıs mw rebelhon (ıı Whatever Benıamın Franklm's personaî ıeenngs abouı ıhe rebemon 05 the Amencan states! he worked hard to make "succeed As ambassador (o France he encouraged me French ıo help Gemge Washmgton Auer me war, he attended the Amencan constitutional Congress TİMS was his 1351 conlnbutwon lor hs died waıer (hal year. He ws slıll londly remembered by Amencans as one of the creators ofthe Umted States 1. What is a good descrıptıon for mıs text? A) An auıobıography oiBemamın Frankhn 5) The works of Benjamin Fıenkım e) Frankhn and Amencan Independence D) The wars Frenklın anended E) The his oîBenıemın Frankhn
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