Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2012 - 2013 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 8.Soru

Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2012 - 2013 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 8.Soru
transkript: s _ 17 numaralı soruları asağıdakı parcaya göre cevaplayınıı. (1) The Lescaux Caves m souıhwesı France contaın some of the otdest and hhest prehvstonc an ın ıhe gtobe The cave paıhuhgs, Whıch mamty depıct anımals seem to have a htuaı purpose (zı Radıocamon dauhg ot charcoat and other anıtacts touhd m the cave complex along wtth the stmıtar patntmgs "1 the area and expert opmıon have led most schotars to date the Lasoaux pemlmgs lo 15,000 sc, makıng them some o| the aıaesı pemtıngs m the world The majomy vıew ts mal me paımmgs were completed over e perıod of a few eenıuhes at most whııe others belıeve me work was named out over a much longer penod (3) Gwen the task ov wntten recordsı the purpose at the cave pamtıngs cannot be known for cenem However. (he hıgh quahty oı the work and the amount of effort mvoıved (scaffoldmg must have been used m reach ıhe htghest part of the waıts for Instance) suggests t was a Sacred ptaee that may have been used far nmats (4) The cave cumplex was closed up shurtly after tts demralıon and tt remamed btoeked up unm September 1940. when low local boys stummed on ıı whıte toaktng for a dog The cave was hrst studted by the French archeoVogtsl Henn Breuıl, a renowned expert in prehtstonc en (5) Havmg been maden tor centunest the Lascaux Caves were m perfect condmon when they were dtscavered Unfortunately, huwever, the oaves were opened lo an enthusiasm pubhc m 1040 without any thnught to presewatıoh (6) The combıned effects of arMıcva! ııghtıhg and 100.000 thousands vısttors per year soon caused great damage to the stte Much Valuable archeologtcal tnînrmatıon was tost, me bngh! colors at the paıhtmgs laden, and destrueııve Iayers of etgee bactena, and opaque catcıte crystaıs formed on the waHs (7) Ftnaıty. in 1963! the Caves were dosed to the publıc and ıestoratıon effortş began The gmwth af crystals was stopped and lhe algae and bacteha growth was reversed The caves are sliH carequy monıtoted and [amam closed to the publıc tn 1933. a carequy executed rephca known as Lascaux H opened to the pubhc Located on the same mıı as the ongmeh the repııca cave took ten years to complete The pemtmgs were reproduced wtth a pamstakmg attemıon tu detay! by ; local anısı named Munıque Peytraı
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