Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2013 - 2014 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 1.Soru

Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2013 - 2014 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: 11 numaralı sorular dakı parçaya ya 9 cevaplayınıı (1) Young emmen weam by wmagmmg and doıng. Have you ever watched your chıld pack up a slone and preıend ms a zoommg car! ur hop a Lego acmss me ıame as ıı ıı were a person or a bunny? Your ahım ıs usmg an objecuo represenlsomethıng eıse whne gıvmg ıtachun and mouon Euums preıend play ıs nm as sımpwe as wt may seem The precess ol pretendmg nmıds skılls m many essenhal devewopmemaw areas (z) When your chıld engage; in pretend pıay_ he ıs acıweıy expenmemıng mn me socwal and emclwonal rowes of We Through cooperauve may. he Ieams hnw to ıake ıums. share responsmıhty, and ueaıweıy probîemrsolve When your chıld prelends to be drlferem characters. he has the experıenoe ofwamng m someone eîse's shoes” wmch helps teach me ımporıanı mom deveıopmenı skıH 01 empalhy Your chıld buılds seıf-esteem when he mscovers he can be anythıng juSl by pretendmg (3) Have you ever bstened ın as your chıld engages m wmagınary play wwth hıs [oys mr memiş? You wHI probably hear some words end phrases you never thought he knew! m fact, we onen hear our own wmds reflecled ın me pıay u| chıldren Kıds can do :; perfect ımnanon gı mom. dad. and me (eacherl Pretend play newps your cnm understand the power of language Aduiııonaw by pretend maymg wım olhers, he leams (hatwnrds gıve mm me means (o reenacl a sıory or nrgamze pıay Thıs process heips your child make me connecuon belween spoken and wrmen !anguage (4) Pretend may prowas your chıld wım a varıefy oi probwems w solve Whemer K's two cnnaren wanung to play the same role ur searchıng for (hejust ngm macenaı lo make a moi for me playhouse, your chıld cans upon ımponantcognimve lmnkmg skHIs he wıII use ın every aspect afhıs Iıfe (5) Dues your cmd enjoy a mı av mughhousıng7 Greall Some researchers m early bram development behave thıs sort 0! May hem; devewop me pan o! Ihe braın regulahng behavınr So msxead ofworryıng maı thıs (ype olacuwtyer encourage your chıldlo acl out or became too aggressıve, be assured matwwmm a mumtored sıtuanon' mughhouse pıay can amaııy help yourcmıd weam Ihe sell- reguıanon skıHs neededtoknow how and when mıs ıype of pray ıs appropriate
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