Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2
Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı
Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru
Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: 5 numaralı sorula gore cevaplayını şagıdakı parçaya CANNWNG FOOD (1) Food wmch ws kept mo long decays because u ıs attacked by moulds and baclena The canmng process however, Seals (he product m a comaınersc mama ınfecuons can reach w and then n ws sıerııızed by heat Heat sısrııızanon destroys au miecnons present ın food ınsme ıhe can No cnemıcaw preservelwes are necessary, and properly carmen fuad does noı deıenoraıe durıng storage 12) The prıncwple was answered m 1809 by ; Frenchman called NrcoVas Appen He cerked mod ugnny ın wadernecked gwass Domes and wmmersed mem m a bam uf hocwaıena drrve ouı (he am then he hammered (he corks down la seaı (hejarshermencally Appen's drscuvery was rewarded by me French government because beller preserved food supplıes were needed (or Napoleon's troops on dısıam campaıgns By wan an Englısh manufacturer had replaced Appens glass )ers Wıth metal conıamersand was supplyınglmned vegeıabıe suup and meat m lhe Brıtısh navy The next scıenlıücwmprovementmn1860,wasthe resım orLoms Pasteur s work on s(erılızalıon through the appııcaııon ofscwentmcaHy commued heat. (:) Today vegetables, "sh! (mın msal and beer are canner! ın enormous quanhtwes. Wımın three geneıanons (he eanng habıts ol mıllıons have been revoluhomzed Foods that were prevıously seasanaı may now be eaten alany tıme! and strange foods are avaılabre var ımm the counmes where they are grown. The pmü'able crops many farmers new produce onen depend on me proxırmty ov a cannmg factory 1. What is the main Nisa 01 the ıırst paragraph? A) Sıenhzauun — ıhe key to the saVe—keepwg 01 fuad B) Food scıenuncaııy semed ın cans ıs safe ıromoecay 0) The use ov chemwcals m pvevenlmg me decayoffuod D) The eflecl cf mouwds and bacterıa m food decay E) The process followed durıng me storage
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