Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2
Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı
Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 17.Soru
Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 17.Soru

transkript: 17 20 numaralı Sarular okudu unux yelere 9 e cevaplayınıı 17. A Tangled Web !Sharp Pradıce Why couldn't Judge Comyn and the jury accuse O’Connor for cneaıing people wim cards? A] Because O'Connor was able to prove that he wasn ton me tram B) Because O'Connor was bad at maymg cards C) Because O'Cunnor was able to prove that he dıdn ı have a Lucky card deck D) Because O'Connnrwas ebleto proveıhaııt wasn'mm * bulma farmerwho goı pecpwe s muney E) Because O'Connorwas very sad eı the coun and he was abweıo cenvmce the ıury and the ;udge
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