Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 20.Soru

Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 20.Soru
transkript: 20. The Eye of Childhood / NexlTerm' We'H Mash Yuu What makes Charles keep silent when his parents ask him whether ne wants m go to school where Simon Wilcox goes? A) Charles dıdn ı Ilke the school buııdmg. eı Charlesdıdn'llıkelhefaod aıscnoaı, e) Theotherchıldren'sammdetowardsCharles D) Headmasler s behavıurmwams cnarres E) The schuols pnce was (ou much for ms parents
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